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Is the support on your system as good as it should be?

Thoroughbred® Software can support your Thoroughbred-based software plus give you access to new products and capabilities to make your organization run better. Some of the issues you are faced with include new system purchases requiring updated versions of Thoroughbred. Newer versions of Windows, Linux and Unix operating systems may require Thoroughbred upgrades..

Add-on options include Printing PDF documents, e-mailing invoices and statements etc., faxing documents, Solution-IV® Updates, Cloud and Managed Services and Disaster Recovery systems.

Our support and Services groups can support your system and add features like Web facilities for your Customers and employees including on-line ordering, quotes, services and more.

We can help you keep your system up-to-date and fresh for many years to come. If you would like to discuss these products, features and services please contact us, or click here for more information. Also see the Solution-IV pages.

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e-News is published by Thoroughbred Software International, Inc.
46 Vreeland Drive, Skillman, NJ 08558-2638
Telephone: 800-524-0430 or 732-560-1377
FAX: 732-560-1594

From outside of the US:
+1 732 5601377 for Thoroughbred Software Sales
+44 788 775 0664 for the International Sales Office

Copyright ©2014 Thoroughbred Software International, Inc.

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