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Team Sales

Is your Team Sales software keeping up with your business? Can you get key information from your system about your sales, customers and products? Does your system provide a dashboard where you can see your business metrics at a glance with easy to read graphs and charts that enable you to drill-down to specific data? Does your system let you instantly create Purchase Orders, and support Player Packs? Does your system support Handheld POS and check-out? Thoroughbred's Solution-IV® RTS does.

Solution-IV RTS is the complete solution for the Team Sports Retailer including POS, Accounting, Mobile and Web tools, Reporting, the Business Dashboard - e-Dash™ and more!


Solution-IV supports required features including multi-dimensional Matrix pricing, Instant Purchase Order generation, PDF/e-mail Invoices and Statements, print to Excel, cell phone and tablet interface for a fully integrated and seamless operation. Solution-IV handles your Team Sports requirements including on-line access to order history and costs.

Solution-IV is available as an in-house license, or a Hosted, Cloud-based Service. For more information, please click here or contact us at (800) 988-3536.

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Telephone: 800-524-0430 or 732-560-1377
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