Solution-IV® FAQsSolution-IV® FAQs

  1. Why am I unable to print to my default printer, Print to Report Server First is working fine?
  2. Why does the Order Processing Daily Sales Journal freeze when scanning invoices?
  3. Can I process Invoices for the current month, when I have not closed the previous month?
  4. What reports should I run at the end of the month to get my Sales, Tax, and Commission numbers?
  5. What are the proper steps for closing the month?
  6. What are the hardware requirements for a Solution-IV Reprographics system?
  7. How can I pay a Solution-IV Accounts Payable invoice with a credit card?
  8. I have a customer that had under paid an invoice by .01. How can this be corrected?
  9. When I run the AR Aged Trial Balance some invoices are not showing up, why?
  10. In Accounts Payable, Manual Check Entry, what is the batch field used for?
  11. How do I delete a sequence number from Order Entry Payment?
  12. Where can I find a list of General Ledger Source Journals?
  13. Will Solution-IV Reprographics run on a 64-bit Operating System?
  14. Why is the time in Solution-IV off by one hour?
  15. Where can I find all the contract pricing for a customer?
  16. What disk number should I use when making a copy of a company?
  17. How can I give a discount percent on one line of an Order/Invoice?
  18. How can I run an AP/AR Trial Balance for the previous month?
  19. How can I check to see what the current period is for Account Payable?
  20. What happens if I posted AP Invoices for November but have not closed October?
  21. How can I lookup previously entered Deposits that have not been updated?
  22. In Purchase Order Invoice Entry, when we key in the individual line items and get to the bottom of the invoice, sometimes it will not match due to rounding. How can we adjust for this?
  23. Where can I find a list of what each Function Key does?
  24. What are the step for creating a quantity break table for an Item?
  25. How do I delete an Item?

  1. Why am I unable to print to my default printer, Print to Report Server First is working fine?
    Check to make sure the name of the printer is not longer than 32 characters. If it is a network printer, this includes the "/" and server name.

  2. Why does the Order Processing Daily Sales Journal freeze while scanning invoices?
    Check to make sure someone is not editing that Invoice Number or Customer.

  3. Can I process Invoices for the current month, when I have not closed the previous month?
    You can enter invoice for the current month, but just do not update them. You can enter invoice for the previous month also, just back them up. When you are done just update using the date range. Once all of the invoicing from the prior month is complete run the Month End Process and start updating the current month's invoices.

  4. What reports should I run at the end of the month to get my Sales, Tax, and Commission numbers?
    • For Sales numbers you should use, Order Processing Reports menu, History Sales Journal
    • For Sales Tax you should use Accounts Receivable Reports menu, Sales Tax Report by Date
    • For Commissions you should use, Accounts Receivable Reports menu, Commission Report by Date

  5. What are the proper steps for closing the month?
    Each module is closed the same, by going to the Module, and selecting Period End Update. The documents below are checklists for each module:
    Accounts Payable
    Accounts Receivable
    Bank Reconciliation
    Fixed Assets
    General Ledger
    Inventory Control
    Order Processing
    Purchase Order

  6. What are the hardware requirements of a Solution-IV Reprographics system?
    The following document outlines the requirement for both the Server as well as the Client hardware:
    Solution-IV Hardware Requirements

  7. How can I pay a Solution-IV Accounts Payable invoice with a credit card?
    Try the following steps:
    1. Create a new bank code representing the credit card (ie VS, AX, MC, etc)
    2. For the General Ledger account on that bank, create and use a "Credit Card Payables" account.
    3. When you get the invoice from the vendor, if you don't know either when you are going to pay it or that you might pay it by credit card, enter the invoice as a regular invoice through Invoice Entry. You should expense it to the appropriate expense account, based on what was purchased.
    4. When you are ready to pay the invoice using your credit card, go to Manual Check Entry, and use the bank code created in step 1 above. Make up a check number (or use the vendor code plus date (or whatever makes sense to you), and pay the invoice.
    5. If you know right away that you are using your card, you can skip step 3 and simply enter the payment as a manual check, entering the appropriate expense account in Manual Check Entry.
    6. When you get the credit card bill, instead of detailing the expenses, you'll debit the quot;Credit Card Payables" account instead.
    7. If you enter all of your credit card payments in this manner, it will be easy to keep straight. And you'll be able to view the amount owed on your credit card by looking at the Credit Card Payables account in GL.

  8. I have a customer that had under paid an invoice by .01, how can thisbe corrected?
    Do the following:
    1. Go to AR – Cash Receipts Entry
    2. In the first section, make a deposit for $0.00.
    3. In the second section, make a payment for $0.00.
    4. In the last section, enter the invoice number being corrected; this will show you the remaining amount on the invoice (in this case -0.01).
    5. Enter through the remaining fields, leaving the totals at 0.00 until you are at the Write-off/Bal field for the Invoice.
    6. Enter the outstanding amount in this field (in this case -0.01); this will cause the distribution to be equal.
    7. Finally, run the Cash Receipts Journal Update and problem should be fixed.

  9. When I run the AR Aged Trial Balance some invoices are not showing up, why?
    1. When you enter an Invoice in AR or OP it gets put in the AROPEN file as well as other places. The AROPEN file is the file that is used for the AR Aged Trial Balance as well as the AR Statements.
    2. When an invoice is paid, the Invoice Balance field in the AROPEN file is set to 0. At this point the invoice will still show on reports if you print all paid.
    3. At AR Period End there is an option to remove the invoice from the open invoice file. This option looks at the AR Parameters at the Number of Days to Retain Paid Invoices parameter. If the invoice is paid more than x days compared to the AR number of Days field then it will remove it from the open invoice file and therefore will not show on the AR Aged Trial Balance or the AR Statements.

  10. In Accounts Payable, Manual Check Entry, what is the batch field used for?
    This field contains the total amount of all check you are going to enter. Run an adding machine tape on all the checks you are entering in this batch and enter the amount here. This will assure that:
    You entered all the checks in the stack and Help assure that the amounts were entered correctly. If there is a bank distribution amount when you are finished, you will have the opportunity to check both the batch total you entered originally and the checks entered into this batch and make the appropriate corrections. If you do not wish to run a tape on the checks, enter 0 for the batch total, then use the "C"hange option to make the batch total equal the sum of the checks entered into the batch.

  11. How do I delete a sequence number from Order Entry Payment?
    1. When in Order Entry Payment, go to the sequence number field.
    2. Press F1 on the field until the mode changes to Delete.
    3. Enter the sequence number you want to remove and then press Enter.
    4. The sequence number should now be removed from Payments list.

  12. Where can I find a list of General Ledger Source Journals?
    APIN – Accounts Payable – Invoices
    APMC – Accounts Payable – Manual Checks
    APCK – Accounts Payable – Check Printing
    ARSJ – Accounts Receivable – Sales Journal
    ARCR – Accounts Receivable – Cash Receipts
    ARFC – Accounts Receivable – Finance Charges
    BRAJ – Bank Reconciliation – Adjustments
    FAAJ – Fixed Assets – Acquisitions
    FADJ – Fixed Assets – Depreciation
    FARJ – Fixed Assets – Retirements
    ICPC – Inventory – Physical Count
    ICTR – Inventory – All Other Transactions
    OPSJ – Order Processing – Sales Journal
    PORC – Purchase Order – Receipts
    PORT – Purchase Order – Returns
    POIN – Purchase Order – Invoices
    PRCK – Payroll – Checks

  13. Will Solution-IV Reprographics run on a 64-bit Operating System?
    Yes, Solution-IV can run on 64-bit Windows and Unix operating systems.

  14. Why is the time in Solution-IV off by one hour?
    This is due to the TZ, Time Zone, variable being set incorrectly in the operating system. The follow chart outlines the proper codes to use:
    AKST9 – Alaskan Standard Time
    AST4 – Atlantic Standard Time
    CST6 – Central Standard Time
    EST5 – Eastern Standard Time
    HST10 – Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
    MST7 – Mountain Standard Time
    PST8 – Pacific Standard Time
    AKDT8 – Alaskan Standard Time
    ADT3 – Atlantic Standard Time
    CDT5 – Central Standard Time
    EDT4 – Eastern Standard Time
    MDT7 – Mountain Standard Time
    PDT6 – Pacific Standard Time

  15. Where can I find all the contract pricing for a customer?
    From the Order Processing Menu,
    Select Code File Maintenance,
    Then select Contract Maintenance and press F2 and select Contracts.

  16. What disk number should I use when making a copy of a company?
    You should use the disk number associated with SOL4 Example:
    Nmbr      Directory		         Status
    ----      ------------------------------ ------
    D0        IDL4
    D1        WORK
    D2        SOL4
    D9        .

  17. How can I give a discount percent on one line of an Order/Invoice?
    When you are in Lines Entry, go to the Ordered/Shipped field, select F7, go down to the discount field and enter the percentage.

  18. How can I run an AP/AR Trial Balance for the previous month?
    Both Aged Trial Balances are base on the Terminal Date, this date can be changed from the Main Menu, select "Change Terminal Date". This option will only change it for this workstation's session.

  19. How can I check to see what the current period is for Account Payable?
    You can see what your current AP Period is by going to Accounts Payable, Code File Maintenance Menu, AP Parameters Maintenance. The current month/year is a little more that half way down the screen.

  20. What happens if I posted AP Invoices for November but have not closed October?
    AP happens to be a module where if you separate out your invoices by date, you can keep two months open at a time. In fact, we recommend this method, primarily because we are very aware that you will be getting both last month's and this month's invoices for the first couple of weeks of the new month. So it is good to just pick a day of the month (say the 15th or the 20th) when you will consistently close AP and PO. The system is smart enough to look at the date in the AP Parameters and determine if the invoices belong in "Current Month" or "Next Month". In order to make this work, however, you must separate out the invoices into batches by date -- November invoices together and December invoices together, for example -- and run the Invoice Register and Update in between the batches, making sure that the Posting Date matches the contents of the batch -- ie 11/30/06 and 12/18/06. And, of course, you must remember to consistently run Period End Processing mid-month.

  21. How can I lookup previously entered Deposits that have not been updated?
    While in AR Cash Receipts Entry, on the Bank Code field, hit F2 and select Deposits.

  22. In Purchase Order Invoice Entry, when we key in the individual line items and get to the bottom of the invoice, sometimes it will not match due to rounding, How can we adjust for this?
    This happens because the Valuation UOM may be different from the UOM shipped by the vendor. Set up a Priced Item type item and use it to post the pricing discrepancy. Just add this line to the end of the PO Invoice.

  23. Where can I find a list of what each Function Key does?
    F1 – Change modes (Add/Change/Delete/Inquire)
    F2 – Lookup on Master file records
    F3 – Allow maintain Master file records
    F4 – End/Exit
    F5 – Allow you to change the sort order for Views
    F6 – Help
    F10 – Goto
    F12- Wild card search (Customers/Vendors/Items)
    Shift + Insert – Line Insert
    Shift + Delete – Line Delete

  24. What are the step for creating a quantity break table for an Item?
    There are 3 steps to creating a Quantity Break Table:
    1. Create an Item Price Class
    • Inventory Control Menu
    • Code File Maintenance
    • Class Code Maintenance
  25. 2. Create the Price Break Table
    • Inventory Control Menu
    • Code File Maintenance
    • Price Break Maintenance
    3. Assign the Class to the Item
    • Inventory Control Menu
    • Item Maintenance Menu
    • Enter Item Code
    • Select Option 2, Code and
    • Enter Class into Item Price

  26. How do I delete an Item?
    There are 2 steps to deleting an Item:
    1. Mark the Item for Deletion
    • Inventory Control Menu
    • Item Maintenance Menu
    • Enter Item
    • Select "Change/Delete Item Code"
    2. Run Status Change Update
    • Inventory Control Menu
    • Status Change Update
    • a. Perform update for this IC application only? – "Y"
      b. Automatically Update after report is okay? – "N"
      c. Report will print with all items marked for change and delete, Items with an "*" are not able to be deleted since they are in use in the files listed.